July 4, 2023
Congratulations to Louise Cavill who is proud to become a full STEP member, also known as a TEP. As specialists in inheritance and succession planning, STEP members draft wills and trusts, administer estates, act as trustees and advise families on how best to structure their finances to ensure compliance and preserve their assets for future generations. In an industry where many aspects are unregulated such as will writing, you are in safe hands with a STEP member as they have shown significant commitment to continued professional development in this area.
Some examples of what STEP members may advise on are:
• providing for someone following their partner’s death, while protecting the interests of their children;
• ensuring elderly or vulnerable relatives are cared for and supported;
• helping families with interests spread across the world to be compliant with the laws and tax rules of different countries;
• ensuring that a family business will pass safely from one generation to another;
• helping clients to support charitable causes in an effective way.
For more information on STEP, please visit their website or contact us directly.